Friday, September 3, 2010

Characterstics of computer

Speed Size and Cost:
The speed of the computer is linked with the technology used for building the computer system. According to the change in the generation the speed of the computer is increasing. Today’s computers are much faster than the computer that are of previous generation. Computers can and do calculation in the very fast rate. It can perform the very complex calculation in few seconds. Generally the speed of the computer is measured in the fraction second.
Since the first generation computers were built of chips the size of the computer was too much bigger. Development in the small chips reduces the size of the computer. According to the incitement in the speed of the computer the size of the computer is decreasing alternatively. The first computer was about 51x8x3 feet long, high and width. But today’s computer is much smaller up to palm top.
The cost of the computer was reduced due to the enhancement in the technology. Because of the incitement in the technology the size and cost of the computer is decreasing regularly.

Accuracy and Reliability:
Computer can perform any tasks without any tiredness and making mistakes.
Almost all the errors of the computer are because of the errors in the programming or because of the invalid program to the computer. For example if a user wants to multiply two numbers by the mistake if he divides that number then, the output will be wrong. So the computer is 100% reliable in the information provided by the user.
Vast storage Capacity:
The computer can store massive amount of the data in the computer. Computer storage device is divided into two parts. Primary Storage Device and Secondary Storage Device. A large amount of data can be stored in computer’s memory. RAM is the primary storage device where as CD, DVD, Pen drive, etc. is secondary storage device. 

Automatic and Diligent:
Computer is an automatic machine. When we insert any instruction, it can process automatically.
The ability of the computer to perform the work without getting any kinds of tiredness and performing the work again and again is called diligent of the computer.
The computer is a versatile device. The operations performed y computer is very flexible. It executes different types of application of different area such as education, medicine, astrology, geography, and business and information technology.

Non- Intelligent:
Computer cannot do the simple work, if the user does no provide any input in the form of information, data and instruction. Every task performed in the screen is the brain of the human. So, the computer is called as the brainless ideal servant of the human.


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