Monday, September 6, 2010


Introduction to Excel
Microsoft Company developed this program, so it is known as Microsoft Excel. It is a spreadsheet program where we can insert data, process them, sort them, filter them and create chart from the data etc., in this program we can perform various kinds of Mathematical, financial, statistical, engineering calculations. Using this program we can create bill, voucher, salary sheet, income& expenses statement, mark sheet, purchase book, sales book, balance sheet etc.

Cell reference:
There are 65536 rows and 256 columns in one worksheet. The first cell is labeled as ‘A1’ (column as A and Rows as 1) or R1C1.

The file of Ms-Excel is called workbook and its extension is .XLS. It is collection of one or more worksheets. Workbook is like a binder and every worksheet as a page in a binder. Each workbook contains 16 worksheets.

The large working area of a workbook is called worksheet. There are 65,536 rows and 256 columns a worksheet. It is a page of workbook.

Grid line: 
The line that makes or separates a cell in a worksheet of a workbook is called grid line.

The intersection between row and column is called Cell. Each cell contains 32000 Character.

 Title bar              Menu bar     Formula bar   Column heading

                            Sheet Tabs    Status bar         Scroll bar

To start Microsoft Excel 2000/XP
1.    Click on Start cotton.
2.    Click on Programs.
3.    Click on Ms Excel.
4.    Click on Start
5.    Click on Run
6.    Then a dialog box appears
7.    Type Excel
8.    Click on OK.

1.    Click on file menu
2.    Click on new
3.    The a dialog box will appears
4.    To create a new, blank workbook, click a General tab.
5.    Choose Workbook icon
6.    Click on OK button.

1.    Click on File menu.
2.    Click on Save command
3.    In the Save in list, select the drive and folder where you want to save the workbook.
4.    [If you want to save the workbook in a new folder, click on Create New folder]
5.    In the File name box, type a name for the workbook.

1.    Click on File menu.
2.    Click on Close command.
3.    To close all open workbooks without exiting the program, hold down SHIFT and click close all on the File menu.

1.    Open the workbook you want to make a copy of.
2.    Click on file menu.
3.    Click on Save as.
4.    In the File name box, type a new name of the workbook
5.    Click Save.

1.    Click on file menu.
2.    Click on open command.
3.    In the Look in list, click the drive, folder or location that contains the workbook you want to open and then locate a ‘double-click’ the folder that contain the workbook.
4.    Select the required workbook name.
5.    Click on Open.
6.    Double click the workbook you want to open.

1.    First open the workbook.
2.    Click on File menu.
3.    Click on Save as command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Click on Tools of dialog box and click on General option.
6.    Type the password in Password to open box.
7.    Click on ok bottom.
8.    Then a confirm password box will appear.
9.    Type the same password Modify again.
10.    Click on ok button.
11.    Click on save button.

1.    This command is used to set margins, paper source, paper size, page orientation, and other layout            options for the active file.
2.    First open the workbook of which you want to set page.
3.    Click on File menu.
4.    Click on Page Setup command.
5.    Then a dialog box will appear.
6.    Click on page tab.
7.    Choose the required orientation. (Portrait or landscape)
8.    Choose any paper size.
9.    Click on margin tab.
10.    Set the required margin for Top, Bottom, and Left, Right, Header& footer.
11.    Choose other required options.
12.    Click on OK button.

1.    Click on file menu.
2.    Click on Print Preview command.
3.    Now you can see the preview of your worksheet.
4.    Click on Next button to see the next page of sheet.
5.    Click on Previous button to see the previous page.
6.    Click on zoom button to reduce or enlarge the page size.
7.    Click on setup button to open the setup dialog box.
8.    Click on Margins tab to set the margin.
9.     Click on close button to close the preview.

1.    Select the required part of sheet which you want to set as print area.
2.    Click on file menu.
3.    Click on Print area command.
4.    Choose Set print area.
5.    [To clear print area click on File menu, choose print area and click on clear print area.]

1.    Open the worksheet which you want to print.
2.    Click on File menu.
3.    Click on Print command
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Choose the print name from Name box.
6.    Choose any option from Print range criteria. [All, Page].
7.    Choose any option from Print what criteria. [Selection, entire workbook etc.]
8.    Choose the required number of copies to print.
9.    Click on other required options and Click on OK button.


1.    Move the mouse pointer over the row number which you want to select.
2.    Press the mouse button once.

1.    Move the mouse pointer over the column label which you want to select.
2.    Press the mouse button once.

1.    Move the mouse pointer over the top left corner of worksheet.
2.    Press the mouse button once.

1.    Select the required cells which you want to copy or move.
2.    Click on Edit menu.
3.    Click on copy or Cut command as required
4.    Then place the active cell at the required cell
5.    Click on Edit menu. .
6.    Click on Paste Command
7.    [You can also use the shortcuts to copy, cut and paste as in Ms Word such as Ctrl+ c, Ctrl+ x, Ctrl+ v]

To Fill Numbers.
1.    Put the active cell at the required cell.
2.    Type First and Second number in First and Second cell.
3.    Then select the both cell.
4.    Move the mouse pointer over the bottom right corner of second cell.
5.    Drag the fill handle as required.

To Fill Date
1.    Put the active cell at the required cell.
2.    Type Sunday or January in First cell.
3.    Then move the mouse pointer over the bottom right corner of first cell.
4.    Drag the fill handle.

1.    Select the required cells which you want to clear.
2.    Click on Edit menu.
3.    Click on Clear command.
4.    Then click on All option to clear everything with formatting, contents etc,
5.    Click on formats option to clear only the formats.
6.    Click on Contents option to clear only the contents.
7.    Click on Comments option to clear the comments only.

1.    Select the required cells or rows or columns which you want to delete.
2.    Click on Edit menu.
3.    Click on Delete command.
4.    If you have selected cells then a dialog box appears.
5.    Choose any option. [Shift cells left, shift cells up etc.]
6.    Click on Ok.

1.    Select the required sheet name which you want to delete.
2.    Click on Edit Menu,
3.    Click on Delete sheet command.
4.    Then a message box will appear.
5.    click on ok

1.    Select the required sheet name.
2.    Click on Edit menu.
3.    Click on Move or Copy sheet command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear
5.    Choose any option from before sheet list.
6.    [If you want to create a copy of the selected sheet click create a copy option]
7.    Click on OK.

1.    Click on Edit menu.
2.    Click on Find Command
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Type a required text or data in find what box.
5.    Click on Find next button.

1.    Click on Edit menu
2.    Click on Replace command
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Type the required text or data in find what box which you want to replace.
5.    Type the replacing text or data in Replace with box.
6.    Then click on Find next.
7.    Click on “Replace” or “Replace All” as required.

1.    Click Edit menu.
2.    Click on Go to command.
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Type the cell name in reference box.
5.    Click on OK.

1.    Click on View menu.
2.    Click on Formula bar Command to show or hide.

1.    Click on View menu.
2.    Click on Header & Footer command.
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Click on Custom header.
5.    Put the cursor at the required section (left, center, right).
6.    Type the header Name.
7.    Click on Ok.
8.    Then click on Custom Footer button.
9.    Type the footer Name in the required section.
10.    [You can also insert page number, date, time, filename etc as header & footer]
11.    Click on OK.

1.    Click on View menu.
2.    Click on Full screen command.
3.    Now your worksheet will appear in full screen.
4.    To close full screen, click on Close full screen tool.

1.    Click on View menu.
2.    Click on Zoom command.
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Choose any one option. (200%, 100%, 50%, 75% etc.)
5.    Click on OK.

1.    Select the required cells where you want to insert new blank cells.
2.    Click on Insert menu.
3.    Click on Cells command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Choose any one option. (Shift cells right, shift cells down & insert entire Rows, Columns).
6.    Click on Ok

1.    Select the required rows where you want to insert new rows.
2.    Click on Insert menu.
3.    Click on Rows command

1.    Select the required columns where you want to insert new columns.
2.    Click on Insert menu.
3.    Click on Columns command.

1.    Select the sheet name where you want to insert new worksheet.
2.    Click on Insert menu.
3.    Click on Work sheet command.
4.    [Now a new worksheet will appear in the sheet tabs]

1.    First type the data for chart.
2.    Select the data range.
3.    Click on insert menu.
4.    Click on Chart command.
5.    Then a chart wizard box will appear.
6.    Choose any chart type and chart subtype form standard type tab. [For more chart types click on Custom types tab]
7.    Click on Next button.
8.    Choose the required option from series in [Rows or Columns]
9.    Click on Next button.
10.    Type the chart title in Chart title box.
11.    Type the X and Y category titles.
12.    Click on Axes tab and choose the required options.
13.    Click on Gridlines tab and choose the required options.
14.    Click on Legend and choose any option.
15.    Click on Data labels and Data table tab and choose the required options.
16.    Click on Next button.
17.    Now choose the required location to place chart.
18.    Click on Finish button.
19.    [If you want to change the chart type, chart options, chart location etc then select the chart, click on Chart menu and choose the required options.]

Using Formula:
1.    Put the active cell at the required cell where you want to use formula.
2.    Type (=) equal sign, [Formula always begins with (=) sign]
3.    Enter the formula with cell references and operators
4.    Press Enter Key

Functions Operators:
1.     +           Addition
2.      -           Subtraction
3.     *           Multiplication.
4.     /           Division
5.     %           Percentage.
6.     =           Equal comparison.
7.     <           Less than
8.     >           Greater than.
9.     <=           Less than or equal to
10.     >=           Greater than or equal to
11.     <>           Is not equal to
12.     And/ Or/ Not    Logic.

Using Function wizard:
1.    Place the cursor in cell where you want to insert Function.
2.    Click on Insert menu.
3.    Click on Function Command.
4.    Then a function wizard box will appear.
5.    Select the required Function category.
6.    Choose any Function name. (Sum, average, min, max etc.)
7.    Click on Ok.
8.    Then a dialog box will appear.
9.    Type the cell references in Number box.
10.    Click on Ok button.

To insert comment:
1.    Select the required cells where you want to insert comment.
2.    Click on Insert menu.
3.    Click on Comment command.
4.    Then a comment box appears.
5.    Type the required comments.

To show or Hide comments:
1.    Select the required cells that contain comment.
2.    Press opposite mouse button.
3.    Choose show comment/Hide comment.

To Edit or Delete comment:
1.    Select the required cells that contain comments.
2.    Press opposite mouse button.
3.    Choose Edit comments or Delete comments.

To insert Clipart:
1.    Click on Insert menu.
2.    Click on Picture command.
3.    Then a Clipart box will appear.
4.    Click any category.
5.    Choose any picture and press the mouse button.
6.    Choose Insert clip
7.    Then close the clipart box.

To insert Auto shapes:
1.    Click on Insert menu.
2.    Click on picture command.
3.    Click on Auto shapes.
4.    Then an auto shapes toolbar will appear.
5.    Choose any shape from toolbar.
6.    Press the mouse button and drag it to draw auto shapes.

To insert word art:
1.    Click on Insert menu.
2.    Click on Picture command.
3.    Click on Word art.
4.    Then a word art style box will appear.
5.    Choose any style.
6.    Click on Ok.
7.    Now type the required text.
8.    Click on Ok.

To insert Object (Paint brush picture):
1.    Click on Insert menu.
2.    Click on Object command.
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Choose Paint brush picture.
5.    Click on Ok.
6.    Now draw any picture you like.

Insert Hyperlink To:
1.    Select the required cells or object where you want to insert hyperlink.
2.    Click on Insert menu.
3.    Click on hyperlink command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Click on File of Browser for option.
6.    Choose the required file.
7.    Click on Ok.
8.    Again click on Ok.

To format numbers:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Cells command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Click on Number tab.
6.    Choose Number category.
7.    Choose the required decimal places.
8.    If needed choose the Use thousand separators option. Click on Ok.

To change the number in currency format:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Cells command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Click on Number tab.
6.    Choose Currency tab.
7.    Choose the required decimal places.
8.    Choose any currency symbol.
9.    Click on OK.

To change the number in Percentage format:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Cells command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Click on Number tab.
6.    Click on Percentage tab.
7.    Choose the required decimal places.
8.    Click on OK.

To merge and center data:
1.    First type the long text in a single cell.
2.    Select the required cell range.
3.    Click on Format menu.
4.    Click on Cells command.
5.    Then a dialog box will appear.
6.    Click on Alignment tab.
7.    Choose center from Horizontal and Vertical alignment.
8.    Click the three options of text control criteria. (Wrap text, shrink  to fit, merge cells)
9.    Click on Ok.
10.    [Put the Cursor at the required text and op pressing spacebar unit the text comes to the next line.]

To change the data orientation:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Cells command.
4.    Then click on Alignment tab.
5.    Choose the required degrees.
6.    Click on Ok.

To format font:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Cells command.
4.    Then click on Font command.
5.    Choose the required font, font style size, font color, underline style, effects.
6.    Click on Ok.

To apply borders & patterns:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Cells command.
4.    Then click on Borders tab.
5.    Choose any boarder style and Color.
6.    Click on Outline and inside option.
7.    Then click on Patterns tab.
8.    Choose any color.
9.    Click on OK

To format row:
1.    Select the required row.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Row command.
4.    Then choose the required options, (Height, Auto fit, hide, unhide)

To format column:
1.    Select the required columns.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on column command.
4.    Then choose the required option. (Width Auto fit selection, hide, un hided)

To Rename Sheet:
1.    Select the required sheet name which you want to rename.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Sheet command.
4.    Click on rename command.
5.    Type the name for sheet.
6.    Press Enter key.
 To Hide/Unhide sheet:
1.    Select the required sheet name.
2.    Click on format menu.
3.    Click on Sheet command.
4.    Click on Hide/Unhide.

To change the background of sheet:
1.    Click on format menu.
2.    Click on Sheet command.
3.    Then click on Background.
4.    Now a dialog box will appear.
5.    Choose any background file.
6.    Click on Insert button

To delete background:
1.    Click on Format menu.
2.    Click on Sheet command.
3.    Click on Delete background.

To Auto format cells:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Format menu.
3.    Click on Auto format command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Choose any format style.
6.    Click on Ok.

Using Conditional formatting command:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on format menu.
3.    Click on Conditional formatting command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Choose any condition. (Cell value is less than, greater than, equals to etc.)
6.    Type the value.
7.    Click on Format menu.
8.    Choose any Formatting.
9.    Click on Ok.
10.    If you want to add other conditions also click on add button and set the other condition.
11.    Click on Ok.
 Using Auto correct command:
1.    Click on Tools menu.
2.    Click on Auto correct command.
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Click the required options.
5.    Type the common mistakes in Replace box.
6.    Click on Add button.
7.    Click on Ok.

To protect worksheet:
1.    Click the worksheet name which you want to protect.
2.    Click on tools menu.
3.    Click on protection Command.
4.    Click on Protect sheet.
5.    Then a dialog box will appear.
6.    Choose the required options, (Contents, Objects etc)
7.    Type a password.
8.    Click on Ok.
9.    Again type the same password.    
10.    Click on Ok.

To protect workbook:
1.    Click on Tools menu.
2.    Click on Protection command.
3.    Click on Protect workbook.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Choose the required options(Structure, Window)
6.    Type a password.
7.    Click n Ok.
8.    Again type the same password.
9.    Click on Ok.

Using Goal Seek command:
1.    On the Tools menu, click Goal seek.
2.    In the Set cell box, enter the reference for the cell that contains. The formula you want to resolve.
3.    In the two value box, type the result you want.
4.    In the by changing cell box, enter the reference for the cell that contains the value you want to adjust. This cell must be referenced by the formula in the cell you specified in the Set Cell box.
5.    Click on Ok button.
 Using Auditing command:
1.    Click on Tools menu.
2.    Click on Auditing command.
3.    Then click on the required options. (Trace precedents, trace dependents, trace errors)

To remove trace arrows:
1.    Click on Tools menu.
2.    Click on Auditing command.
3.    Click on Remove all arrows.

To Show/Hide gridlines, row & columns header, scrollbar, sheet tabs etc.:
1.    Click on tools menu.
2.    Click on Options command.
3.    Then a dialog box will appear.
4.    Click on View tab.
5.    Choose the required options to from windows options.
6.    [Gridlines, row & column headers, Horizontal scrollbar, and sheet tabs etc.]

To Sort Data:
1.    Select the required cells.
2.    Click on Data menu.
3.    Click on Sort command.
4.    Then a dialog box will appear.
5.    Choose the required column name for sort by option.
6.    Choose Ascending or Descending order. [If you want to sort multiple columns click on then by option and choose the required column name.
7.    Choose Header row or No header row from my list has option.
8.    Click on Ok.

To Auto filter data:
1.    Select the required columns.
2.    Click on Data menu.
3.    Click on Filter command.
4.    Then click on Auto filter.
5.    Now click on drop down arrow list of column and choose the required options. (All, Top 10, custom etc)

To remove Auto Filter:
1.    Click n Data menu.
2.    Click on Filter command.
3.    Click on Auto filter.

Creating Data form to edit data:
1.    Select the required cell.
2.    Click on Data menu.
3.    Click on Form command.
4.    Now a data form appears.
5.    Click new button to add new record.   Type the data.
6.    To move to the next field, press TAB key.
7.    When you finish typing data, press ENTER to add the record.
8.    Click on Find next button to find the next records a Find prev button to find the previous records.
9.    Click on Delete button to delete the displayed record.
10.    Click Close to close the data form.

Worked out examples:
1.    Mark – sheet
Name    English    Math    Science    Nepali    Account    Total    Percent    Result    Division    Remarks
Partha Chudal    78    56    82    76    85                       
Ajay Ku. Sah    89    65    78    68    90                       
Shristy Dhungel    78    98    89    75    89                       
Rajan Khadka    56    56    23    45    54                       
Samjhana Khakuel    65    65    78    68    90                       
Pradeep Budhathoki    98    89    75    89    90                       
Suju Payani    89    78    68    90    54                       
Kajal Pradhan    78    56    56    23    45                       
Nitu Yadav    89    54    23    45    36                       
Umesh Sujakhu    78    54    56    56    23                       
=Sum(English: Account)                                      
=total/no. Of subjects                                      
Condition for result                                      
All subjects>=32    Pass                                      
Otherwise         Fail                                      
Condition for division                                      
Percent>=60         First                                 
Percent<60,Percent>=50    Second                                 
Percent<50,Percent>=40    Third                                 
Otherwise              ***                                 
Condition for Remarks:                                 
Percent>=80         A grade                                 
Percent<80,Percent>=60    B grade                                 
Otherwise              C grade                                 
Do yourself                                           

2.    Basic Salary Sheet
Name    B. Salary    Traveling allowance10
%    House rent allowance12
%    Medical allowance10
%    Gross salary    Income tax    Provident fund10
%    Net salary
Partha Chudal    7500                                 
Ajay Ku. Sah    6000                                 
Shristy Dhungel    3500                                 
Rajan Khadka    3000                                 
Samjhana Khakuel    2500                                 
Pradeep Budhathoki    4500                                 
Suju Payani    4000                                 
Kajal Pradhan    6500                                 
Nitu Yadav    12000                                 
Umesh Sujakhu    9000                                 

Traveling All. 10%                                 
House rent all.12%                                 
Medical All. 10%                                 
=10%*B. Salary                                 
Gross Salary                                 
=sum (B. Salary: Medical all.)                            
Condition for Income tax:                            
B. Salary>=9000         10%*B. Salary                       
B. Salary<9000,B.Salary>=5000    5%*B. Salary                       
B. Salary<5000,B.Salary>=3000    2%*B. Salary                       
Otherwise              0                       

(B. Salary<5000,B.Salary>=3000),2%*B.Salary,0)))                       
Provident Fund:                                 
=10%*B. Salary                                 
Net salary                                 
=Gross salary-Income tax-Provident fund                       
3.    Tele-Communication Sheet
Name    Total Calls    Rental Charge    Extra charge    Total charge    Vat 10%    Govt. tax10%    Net charge
Partha Chudal    250    150                       
Ajay Ku. Sah    300    150                       
Shristy Dhungel    90    150                       

=if(and(total call<=100),0,2*(total call-100))
Condition for Extra charge
total calls<=100
otherwise    Per call Rs.*(total call-100)                  
Per call Rs. 2                            
Total charge   
=Rental charge+ Extra charge
Vat 10%   
=10%*Total charge   
Govt. tax10%   
=10%*Total charge   
Net charge   
=total charge+ Vat+ Govt. tax

Some Important Formulas:        
To calculate Average value             
=average(data range)                  
To calculate Maximum Value             
=max(data range)                  
To calculate minimum Value             
=min(data range)                  
To calculate Total                  
=sum(data range)                  
To calculate Standard deviation        
=stdev(data range)                  
To calculate Square root of any number        
To calculate power of the value        
=power(X, n)                  
where X is main value, n is power        
e.g. =power(5,2)=25                  
To insert current date             
To insert current date and time        
To calculate the value of sin, cos, tan, log etc   
To convert radians to angle             
To count the values or numbers        
=count(data range)                  
Practical Portion:
Temperature Conversion of Yearly Temperature
Month    Celsius    Fahrenheit
January    -40    =9/5*Celsius + 32
February    20   
March    24   
April    28   
May    30   
June    0   
July    34   
August    32   
September    37   
October    24   
November    100   
December    37   

Overall Statement of a Factory
Sales         100000
Less : Manufacturing Cost        
Material    12000   
Labour        18000   
Total M Cost         =Material+ Labour
Contribution         =Sales-total M. Cost
Less : Sales and Administrative        
Advertisement    10000   
Administrative        15000   
Total S & A          =Advertisement+ Administrative
profit (Loss)             =contribution-Total S & A

Product Price    Rs.40        
Product Cost    Rs.25        
Overhead    15%        
    Quarter 1    Quarter 2    Quarter 3    Quarter 4
Units sold    Rs.10,000    Rs. 20,000    Rs.30,000    Rs.40,000    
Sales Revenue    Units sold * Product price
Cost of Sales    Units sold * Product cost
Gross Margin    Sales - Cost

Sales Force    Rs. 8,000    Rs. 8,000    Rs.8,000    Rs. 8,000
Advertisement    Rs. 10,000    Rs. 10,000    Rs.10,000    Rs.10,000
Corp. Overhead    Sales Revenue * Overhead
Total Costs    Sales Force + Adv. + Corp. Overhead   
Profit    Gross margin - Total Cost
Profit Margin    Profit / Sales Revenue

Income Statement of Gemini Trade Link

Some Functions in excel:

Joins several text strings into one text string.
Syntax: CONCATENATE (text1, text2...)
This function converts a number to text using currency format, with the decimals rounded to the specified place.
Syntax: DOLLAR (number, decimals)
Removes all spaces from text except for single spaces between words
Syntax: TRIM (text)
Syntax: EXACT (text1, text2)
Text1    is the first text string.
Text2    is the second text string.
LEFT returns the first character or characters in a text string
Syntax: LEFT (text, num chars)
RIGHT returns the last character or characters in a text string
Syntax: RIGHT (text, num chars)
Converts all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase
Syntax: LOWER (text)
Repeats text a given number of times, Use REPT to fill a cell with a number of instances of a text string
Syntax: REPT (text, number times)
Counts the number of cells within a range that meet the given criteria
Syntax: COUNTIF (range, criteria)
Capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text that follow any character other than a letter, converts all other letters to lowercase letters
Syntax: PROPER (text)
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments
Syntax: AVERAGE (number1, number2...)
Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set, this function can be used to evaluate the relative standing of a value within a data set. For example, you can use PERCENTRANK to evaluate the standing of an aptitude test score among all scores for the test
Syntax: PERCENTRANK (array, x, significance)
Returns the remainder after number is divided by divisor. The result has the same sign as divisor
Syntax: MOD (number, divisor)
Adds all the numbers in a range of cells
Syntax: SUM (number1, number2 ...)
Adds the cells specified by a given criteria
Syntax: SUMIF (range, criteria, sum_ range)
Returns the Sine of the given angle
Syntax: SIN (number)
Number is the angle in radians for which you want the sine.
Returns the logical value TRUE
Syntax: TRUE ( )
Returns the logarithm of a number to the base you specify
Syntax: LOG (number, base)
Returns the cosine of the given angle
Syntax: COS (number)
Returns the tangent of the given angle
Syntax: TAN (number)
Returns the result of a number raised to a power
Syntax: POWER (number, power)
Multiplies all the numbers given as arguments and returns the product
Syntax: PRODUCT (number1, number2...)

Hence MS Excel is word processing software with complete flexibility of mathematical, logical and word operation. It also helps you to perform sting operation. It has been widely used in offices and other professional fields.


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