Computer is an electronic device which have the capacity of solving the problem more the that of the human brain but it is an doll machine. Computer stands for Commonly Operated Machine Particularly Used in Trade Education and Research. Computer is derived fro the Latin word Calculate.
A computer is an electronics or modern device, which takes a raw data as an input and process it then gives a result as an output. the term of computer word is derived from the Latin word "Calculate". it was developed by Charles Babbage. it has no own brain, so it can not think its own. we use computer to save our document for the future use.
Computer has brought enormous change in the world today. No individual and the society member are apart from the influence of the computer. computer pays the vital role for the changing time period.
A computer is an electronics or modern device, which takes a raw data as an input and process it then gives a result as an output. The term of computer word is derived from Latin word which means ‘calculator’. It was develop by Charles Babbage. It has no own brain, so it can not think its own. We use computer to save our Document for a future use.
Computer has brought enormous change in the world today. No individual and the society member are apart from the global influence of the computer. Computer plays the vital role of the changing agent.
Other Definition:
Computer is a calculating device which is used for the calculation process. So, computer is also known as calculating machine.
It is also an electronic device which provides us the information and output required according to our needs.
Full form of computer:
C = Commonly O = Operate M = Machine P = Particularly
U = Use For T = Trade (Technical) E = Education R = Research
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