Monday, September 6, 2010

Introduction to Window

The Microsoft Windows are today’s most popular operating system which is called MS-Windows or simply Windows. It is a software program that makes computer (personal computer) easy to use. It has more graphics, multi-media extension (MMX) and internet extension. As we know the Windows version is GUI (Graphics User Interface). It is becoming popular day by day. It gives the user the option of using a pointing device such as moves to perform common DOS function like copying, renaming, deleting files and formatting disk etc. thus, windows place between you and DOS enabling you to work easily and efficiently.
Windows owe its name to fact that it runs each program or display the document on the desktop enclosed in rectangles called Windows. It enables to open multiple windows in the screen at a time, each having its own program, to share data between programs, and to organize programs and data for efficient use.

Hardware Requirements to run Windows:
It requires 8MB (mega bytes) RAM or higher
CPU 386DX or 486DX or higher. Recommended I/100 MHz
Hard disk 860MB. Recommended 1.2GB
VGA (video graphics array)-At least 1MB
Sound Card-8 or 16 bits.
SAGA Monitor (Super Video Graphics Array) - Recommended 16 colors/256colours.
Floppy disk drive
CD ROM/RW drive

Features of Windows:
It is powerful tool used to manage files, drives, and network connection
The use of windows is easier than the other version of use earlier.
It provides multi tasking environment which allows user to run many programs at a time.
It supports communication including e-mail, fax and ISDN services.
It supports long file names to make the file easier to recognize and find.
It runs the application software under protected mode.

Facilities provided by Windows:
Improved Interface
Windows Explorer
Long filename
Improved game and multimedia support
32 bits preemptive multitasking
Plug and play hardware capabilities
File compressor

When we start the windows, we can see the large area which is called desktop. We can customize the desktop by adding short cut to our favorite
Programs documents and printers and by changing its look to fit our mood and personality.

Task bar:
When the window is opened, a button representing that window appears on the taskbar. To switch between windows, we should click the button for the window you want from the taskbar. When the window is closed its button appears from the taskbar.

Icons are those which represent the file with the small pictures.             
It is called as a directory in MS-DOS.

Starting a program:
1.    Click on Start button and then to the programs.
2.    Point to the folder such as accessories, which contain the program and then click the program. Like

Quitting a program:
1.    Click the close button in the upper right corner of the window or press “ALT+F4”
2.    Choose the File menu and choose Close option.

Opening the document:
There are several ways to open the documents in Windows:
1.    Open your document by using the programs you used to create it.
2.    Use the documents command on the Start Menu to open the document
       You’ve open currently.
3.    Use the Find command on the Start Menu to locate the document.
4.    Double-click a document icon in My Computer folder.

Opening a document by using the Documents Menu:
1.    Click the Start button, and point to Document.
2.    Click the name of the Document you want to open.

Getting help:
1.    Click the Start button, and then click the Help option.
2.    The list of Help topic appears.

Creating a new Folder:
1.    Clicking right click on the free space of the desktop, then we can find the option box.
2.    Select the New option and click on ‘new files and folders’.
3.    In the desktop we can find the new folder.

Renaming a files and folders:
1. Highlight the icon.
2. Click the right button of the mouse.
3. We can see the option box and select Rename option.

Deleting the Files and Folders:
1.    Highlight the icon which has to be deleted.
2.    Then click the right button over the icon.
3.    The option boxes is seen; then select delete option and click it           

Find Files and Folder:
1.    Click on Start button and then point to Search.
2.    Click on the files and folders.
3.    Click in the name box and type the name of files and folders.
4.    Then click on Search button.

Changing System Setting:
1.    Click the Start button, and then point to settings.
2.    Click on control panel. The dialog box appears.
3.    Double click on Display icon to see the setting you can change.

Shutting Down Windows:
1.    Click on start button and click on shut down option.
2.    Click OK.
3.    You can turn power off when CPU indicator goes off

Using Copy method:
1.    Open my Computer or Windows Explorer. Locate the files and folders to copy. Then select the files and folders.
2.    Choose Copy command to make duplicate copy of the object. Click on the copy command from the Edit menu or press “ctrl + c”.
3.    Display and click the folder that is to be received the files and folder.

System tools (Maintaining the computer)
Disk Defragmenter
This collects the fragmented files and helps making the hard disk to operate fast.
1.    Go to start menu
2.    Click on programs
3.    Click on accessories
4.    Click on system tools
5.    Click on Disk Defragmenter

A dialogue box will appear as shown along side. Select the disk you want to defragment and click “Defragment”. Clicking “Analyze” can help you know the status of the files.

Back Up

This helps you keep the back up of your files and also the whole system.
1.    Go to start menu
2.    Click on programs
3.    Click on accessories
4.    Click on system tools
5.    Click on Back Up
A wizard will appear
6.    Click “Next”

The wizard will let you select whether to back up files and settings or restore files and settings.

7.    Select your option and click “Next”
The wizard will then let you select what to back up in case back up and what to restore (previously back up file) in case restore.
8.    Select your option and click “Next”
9.    Then select the location to save backup and click “Next” in case back up.
10.  Click finish then the system will perform remaining task.

Start menu has two views. Another looks as in the fig below. The entire task is same but the programs are loaded from “All Programs”. The program list on the left side keeps the recently used file and folders.

In this way, the latest version of Windows has become very popular today since they are the operating system themselves, they don’t need another operating system to be loaded on the new system. There are many advantages of Windows. Its extended features and accessories in peripherals and networking have laid an easier platform for data processing.


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