Monday, September 6, 2010

Power Point

PowerPoint is a presentation tool that helps us create eye catching and effective presentation in a matter of minutes. A presentation comprises of individual slides arranged in a sequential manner. Normally, each slide would cover a brief topic. Once having prepared a presentation we can ask power point to also general hand out material and speaker’s notes. Similarly we have the option of either printing out the slide in case we want to use an over head projector or simply attach our computer to an LCD display panel that enlarges the picture several times and shows us the output in a screen. When we create a new presentation we have three options:

1.    We can start by working with a wizard that helps us to determine the theme content and organization of our presentation by using a pre define outline.
2.    We can also start by clicking out a PowerPoint design template which determines the presentation color scheme, fonts, and other design features.
3.    We can also begin with a completely blank presentation with the color scheme, fonts and other design features set to default values.
Should we decide to choose the third option PowerPoint designer have provide a wide assortment of predefined slide and clip art graphic library. Through these predefined slide formats we can quickly create slide based upon standard layout and attributes. PowerPoint shares a common look and feel with other Ms Office components and once having mastered word and excel learning PowerPoint is almost like playing a game       
1.    click here to start PowerPoint or
2.    Choose Ms-PowerPoint from Ms-office 2000 from program menu.

First screen:
This is the first screen that appears on starting PowerPoint. Let us have brief explanation about the options here. This is the quickest way to create a presentation by choosing from predefined subject and templates. In case we simply wish to use pre-define templates containing color schemes and background, etc, choose this option.
1.    To create a presentation from scratch, click on Blank Presentation.
2.    Click on OK button once to continue.
3.    Choose the Title slide from Auto layout box.
4.    Click on OK button to continue.

Standard toolbar
Tools     Description     From Menu Bar    Shortcut
Creates a new documents based on normal template.    File – new     Ctrl + N
Opens or finds a file.    File – open    Ctrl + O

Saves the active file.    File – save    Ctrl + S

Creates a new e-mail message.    File – print   

Print the active file using current defaults.    Tools – spelling     Ctrl + P

Check the spelling in the active document.    Edit - cut    F7

Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard.    Edit – cut    Ctrl + X

Copies the selection and puts on the clipboard.    Edit – copy    Ctrl + C

Inserts the clipboard contents at the insertion point.    Edit – paste    Ctrl + V

Format Painter
Copies the formatting of the selection to a specified location.        Ctrl + shift + C

Reverses certain commands.    Edit – undo    Ctrl + Z

Reverses the action of the undo commands.    Edit – repeat    Ctrl + Y

Insert Hyperlink
Display the destination object, document or page.    Insert – hyperlink    Ctrl + K

Table and border
Displays the tables and boarder toolbar, creating, editing and sorting a table.     Insert – table   

Insert Table
Insert a table in the document with the number of rows and columns we specify.    Insert – chart   

Insert Chart
Create a chart by inserting Microsoft Graphic object.    Insert new slide   

New Slide
Prompt us to click a slide layout and then inserts a new slide after the active slide.        Ctrl + M

Expand all
Displays the title and all the body text for each slide.       

Show Formatting
Shows or hides character formatting in normal view. In slide sorter view, switches between showing all text and graphics on each slide and displaying title only.       

Zoom Control
Scales the editing view.    View - zoom   

Formatting toolbar
Tools     Description     From Menu bar    Short cut

Changes the font of the selection.    Format – font     Ctrl + shift + F

Makes the selection bold.    Format – font – font type    Ctrl + B

Makes the selection italic.    Format – font – font style    Ctrl + I

Formats the selection with continuous underline.    Format – font – effects     Ctrl + U

Adds or removes a shadow from selected text.       

Align left
Aligns the paragraph at left indent.    Forma  – alignment - left    Ctrl + L

Align center
Center the paragraph between the indents.    Format – alignment - center    Ctrl + E

Align right
Aligns the paragraph at right indent.    Format – alignment – right     Ctrl + R

Creates a numbered list based on the current defaults.    Format – bullets and numbering   

Creates a bulleted list based on the current defaults.    Format – bullets    

Increase font size
Increase the font size of the selected text to the next larger size of the font size box.       

Decrease font size
Decrease the font size of the selected text to the next smaller size of the font size box.       

Increase paragraph space
Adds more space between selected paragraphs.       

Decrease paragraph space
Reduce space between selected paragraphs.       

Font size
Change the font size of the selection.    Format – font – size     Ctrl + shift + P

Drawing toolbar

Tools     Description     From Menu bar

Activates the draw menu.   

Select objects
Changes the pointer to a selection arrow so we select object in the active window. To select a single object, click the object with the    

Auto shapes
Activates the auto shape menu.   

Draw a straight line where we click or drag in the active window. To constrain the line to draw at the 15 degree angle from its starting point, hold down SHIFT as we drag.   

Inserts a line with an arrow head where we click or drag in the active window. To constrain the line to draw at the 15 degree angle from its starting point, hold SHIFT as we drag.   

Draws a rectangle where we click or drag in the active window. To draw a square, press SHIFT and drag.   

Draws an oval where we click or drag in the active window. To draw a circle, press SHIFT and drag.   

Text box
Draws a text box where we click or drag in the active window. Use a text box to add a text such as caption or callouts to us pictures.    Insert – text box

Word art
Creates text effects by inserting Microsoft office drawing objects.    Insert – picture – word art

Insert clip art
Opens the clop gallery where can select the clip art image we want to insert in our file or update our clip art collection.    Insert – picture – clip art

Fill color
Adds, modifies, or removes the fill color or fill effect from the selected object. Fill effects includes gradient, texture, pattern, or picture fills.   

Line color
Adds, modifies or removes the line color from the selected objects.   

Font color
Format the selected text with the color we click.   

Line style
Clicks the width we want for the selected line.   

Dash style
Click the dashed line or dashed dot line style we want for the selected shape or border. Click the solid line if we don’t want the dotted line.   

Arrow style
Click the arrow style which we want for the selected line.   

Click the shadow style where we want for the selected objects.   

3-D text
Click the 3-D text which we want for the selected objects.   
Navigation in PowerPoint
Now that we have a general idea of the various command and toolbars, let us see how we can carry out simple operation like saving and opening files, creating and printing slides etc. for this follow the step-by-step instruction given below.

1.    Choose new command from file menu.
2.    The following dialog box would be displayed. Generally this option always comes highlighted but if not click to highlight.
3.    Click OK button to continue.
4.    The following dialog box would appear. Click on the type of slide that we want.
5.    Click on close or OK button.

1.    Choose open command from file menu.
2.    Choose the file that we want to open or type the name of the file in the file name window.
3.    Click on open button.

1.    Click on the new slide icon from the standard toolbar or alternatively, click the common tasks roll-down menu and choose new slide command.
2.    Choose the slide type that we want.
3.    Click on close or OK button.

Choose delete slide command from edit menu.
The slide chosen has been deleted and the number of slide has changed from 8 to 7.

Choose duplicate slide command from insert menu.
A duplicate slide has been inserted.

1.    Choose header and footer command from view menu.
2.    The following dialog box would be displayed. Click on the slide number check box.
3.    Click on apply to all button to apply numbering to all the slide or click apply button to apply numbering to the current slide only.
We can also click on the date and time check box to apply the time to the slides. We would notice numbering on all the slides.

1.    Choose save command from the file menu.
2.    The following dialog box would be displayed. Type the name of the presentation.
3.    Click on save button.
      In case we wish to save the file into another directory, specify the correct path and directory here.

Choose close command from file menu.
We would see PowerPoint’s exit screen.
Saving a presentation with a different name
1.    Choose save as command from file menu.
2.    The following dialog box would display. Type in the name that we want to save the file as.
3.    Choose the directory in which we want to save the file in.
4.    Click on save button.
We would notice that the changed file name appears on the title bar.

1.    Choose the print command from file menu.
2.    Click on the roll-down list and choose your printer.
3.    Click on the properties button to choose whether we want to print in best, normal or Eco fast quality print.
4.    Click on OK button.

1.    Type the presentation title.
2.    Click on the text box boundary to select the entire text box.
3.    Drag the box to the top of the slide and position at the desired location. We can also resize this box as shown here.
4.    Click here to continue.
5.    Type the desired text.

Moving the frame and inserting clip art
1.    Click here to increase font size.
2.    Click here to decrease the font size.
3.    Click here to apply shadow effect to the text.
4.    Choose clip art command from picture option of insert menu.
Highlight the text and format the text to our liking. We can change the font, point size, font style and alignment. We will notice that the formatting toolbar is very similar to word or excel.
Once having applied the desired formatting command, drag and move the box toward the right hand side.
1.    Click here to choose building category.
2.    Click here to choose the picture and click picture icon to insert picture into our slide.
3.    Drag and move the picture box to the new position.
4.    Size the picture box to fit within the available space.

This master slide is like a slide controller. We can specify the fonts, font style, alignment, indentation and placement of text boxes. The setting specified her shall be automatically applied to all the slides.
1.    Choose slide master command from master option from view menu.
2.    Highlight this.
3.    Choose text color from color and line command from format menu.
4.    Choose the desire color by simply clicking it once and then OK.
5.    Repeat steps (2) and (4) for changing the color for the rest of the slide text.
6.    Choose slide command from view menu; go back to our slides and see the results of our great work.
7.    The slide master appears on the screen. The setting specified here could be used by all the slides.
8.    Notice the change in color, not only of this, but all slides.

Microsoft PowerPoint has three main view; normal view, slide sorter view and slide show view. We can select a view, based on these main views, to be our default view in PowerPoint.
Normal view
It is the main editing view which we use to write and design our presentation. The view has three working areas: on the left, tabs that alternate between an outline of our slide text and our slides displayed as thumbnails on the right, the slide pane, which displays a large view of the current slide; and on the bottom, the notice pane. Showing our slide text in outline from this area is a great place to start writing our content – to capture our ideas plan how we want to present them and move slides and text around. Switch to this tab to see the slides in our presentation a thumbnail-size Image while we edit. The thumbnails make it easy for us to navigate through our presentation and to see the effects of our design changes. We can also rearrange, add or delete slides. With the current slide shown in this large view we can add text, insert picture, table, chart, drawing objects, text boxes, movies, hyperlink and animations. Add notes that relate to each slide’s content and use them in printed form to refer to as we give our presentation or create notes that we want our audience to see either in printed form or on a web page. The outline and slides tabs change to display an icon when the pane becomes narrow and if we only want to see the current slide in the window as we edit we can close the tabs with a close box in the right corner.

Slide show view:
Slide show view takes up the full computer screen, like an actual slide presentation. In this full screen view we see our presentation the way our audience will. We can see how our graphics, timings, movies, animated elements and transition effects will look in the actual show.

Slide sorter view:
It is an exclusive view of our slides in thumbnail form. When we are finished creating and editing our presentation, slide sorter gives us translation, slide sorter gives us an overall picture of it making it easy to reorder, add or delete slides and preview our transition and animation effects. We can sort our slide and arrange them accordingly. One slide can be placed in between other slide if needed. PowerPoint has the feature of displaying slides in sorted order and can modify according to our need.
To do this, follow these:
1.    Click on view menu and slide sorter option.

Transitions add visual interest to presentation by customizing the crossover between individual slides. PowerPoint 2000 and XP provide numerous separate transition effects. When we apply transition to a specific slide the effect takes place between the previous and selected slide. These include:
Random transition     PowerPoint selects and applies the transition.
Blind horizontal or vertical     the next slide displays like a blind.
Checker board across or down the next slide displays with a check pattern.
Box in or out    the next slide displays as an increasing or decreasing box.
Applying transition to the whole of a slide show:
In any view, pull down the slide show menu and do the following:
Now carry out the following steps:

We can use animation to:   
Introduction objects onto a slide at a time.
Apply special effect to objects.
Having object appear in a staggered way maximizes slide impact; the eye is drawn to areas of specific interest in a way which makes them more prominent. Imposing special effects on object is particularly useful in the following scenarios:
Having individual items in a bullet-ed list appear one at a time.
Having pictures, clip art or charts become prominent slowly.
We can apply preset animations or create our own.

Apply an animation:
In normal view, pull down the slide show menu and do the following:
After selecting custom animation, now we do the following:
Click on add effect – entrance – fly in
To test our animation effect, simply click on play button or slide show.
On the slide show menu, click custom animation, and do one or more of the following:
Preview animation for a slide display the slide we want to preview and then click the play button in the custom animation task pane.
To preview all animation, including triggered animation, click   in the custom animation task pane.
When we add animation to our slides, we have variety of timing options available to ensure that every piece flows smoothly and looks professional. Set up our custom animation or adjust the present animation schemes we have applied with option for start time, triggers, speed or duration, looping and automatic rewind. Click yes if we want to keep the new slide timings to use. Click on no and later change the timing.

After having finished our slides saved with all text, clip art, picture, transition effects and animation, now we are set to present our slides. To do this, follow these steps:
Click on view – slide show (to view the slide) or press F5 key.

Microsoft Power point has mainly three views:
1.    Normal View
2.    Slide sorter view
3.    Slide Show view
Micro Soft power point’s main view is to present the presentation of the programs and animate it to make it look better. It is usually used in office.


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